Sunday, September 27, 2015

FRAN'S THOUGHTS: Howl's Moving Castle

I honestly don't know what I just read but I'm pretty sure I liked it. 

This is one of the few times I will admit that watching the movie first has helped me understand and delve deeper into Diana Wynne Jones's world. There's a TON of people, spells, quirks, places, and quotes to remember, so it's definitely challenging to read with no previous context otherwise. Overall, the Studio Ghibli film has tainted my perception of the events and the characters within the story in a really good way!

  • The mysteriousness of the different curses and contracts and how each main character is essential in breaking them. 
  • The adventure is pretty rad. Also the fact that old, wrinkly Sophie gets to embark on it is even cooler. 
  • The message of a strong family/friendship bond (especially between the Hatter sisters). It's always refreshing to read about a true friendship without any romantic inclinations. Although I am glad that Sophie and Howl end up together, I enjoyed Michael, Sophie, and Calcifer's interactions throughout the story even more. 
  • Character development everywhere!! It's hard to believe that this is a children's book. There's a lot of deeper meanings (that I will probably have to look up later since everything goes right over my head): this includes the differing spirits of the young and the old; the selflessness and courage highlighted in each character; the vices of being self-absorbed; etc.
  • Also when Howl is constantly shunned for being a "slither-outer" of uncomfortable/difficult situations because he is a coward. lol that is me
  • Because so much is going on, sometimes it is hard to get into what is happening within a chapter. Much like the film, the audience is kind of just thrown into the world, so this is kind of typical. But for someone who doesn't like fantasy that much, the book did a good job.
Book Rating: 4/5 stars
Film Rating: 8/10 stars

Howl's Moving Castle Art by Studio Ghibli

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