Monday, December 14, 2015


There is one thing getting me through this school week (hello, 3 tests, 2 projects, and a crap ton of assignments) and that is (you guessed it) Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

I am so excited I can hardly put it into words. So instead of sounding like an idiot, I'll talk about other Star Wars related things in the form of lists. Such as...

The Star Wars movies in order from favorite to eh:
  1. The Empire Strikes Back: do I even need to explain? (you probably don't want me to anyway)
  2. Return of the Jedi: I rewatched this for the first time in a while this past weekend and got anxiety throughout it. I know how it ends but it still makes me physically sick. I was sweating when the Emperor was electrocuting Luke and screaming at Vader to save his son omg.
  3. A New Hope: a true childhood classic.
  4. Revenge of the Sith: best of the prequels.
  5. The Phantom Menace: the main thing that redeemed this movie for me is freaking Darth Maul and his awesome lightsaber. RIP bro. And Duel of the Fates. Bless John Williams.
  6. The Attack of the Clones: LOL

And another list...

Top Ten Star Wars Songs:
  1. Star Wars Main Theme
  2. Duel of the Fates
  3. Battle of the Heroes
  4. The Forest Battle (Concert Suite)
  5. Tales of a Jedi Knight
  6. Cantina Band
  7. The Clash of Lightsabers
  8. The Imperial March
  9. The Emperor Arrives
  10. Emperor's Throne Room
Do Note: I could write this list every day for the rest of my life and it would never be the same. John Williams is a genius and the whole soundtrack (of every single movie) is brilliant. This list is today's opinion, and I was in pain when I realized I reached number 10 but still had 3 songs ready to put down. 

And okay I was lying I'm going to mention one thing about The Force Awakens, and it's not going to be a list. Just a mini rant:


IM SO PUMPED FOR THIS SCENE. I have a theory (which I may one day address in a blog entry) that the best sword fight scenes happen in the snow. And what do we have in this frame? Kylo Ren (I love his name so much) with his fucking awesome lightsaber in the snow. According to the trailer, he'll be fighting Finn here (and there's bits with Rey) so I'm hoping that this lives up to my theory.

So overall, I'm so excited I can cry but I won't but I probably will when I see it after my stats test on Friday :,)

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